Infomercial Enthusiast Starts As Seen On Tv 365 Blog
Released on: December 20, 2007, 4:43 am
Press Release Author: Jimmy Reidhead
Industry: Entertainment
Press Release Summary: The As Seen on TV 365 Blog readers can keep up with the newest and coolest As Seen on TV items, from infomercial products as seen on TV, to the ever popular as seen on tv store locations.
Press Release Body: Phoenix, Az,Dec 20,2007--Television infomercial product connoisseur, Jimmy Reidhead, has partnered with Neekam company to create the As Seen on TV 365 Blog. This blog will act as a source of information and networking for infomercial products as seen on TV, to help consumers find retailers and sources in their locale for these great items that are usually only available through timely commercial placement.
This blog\'s mission is to provide information on obtaining those hard to find items, by listing the As Seen on TV store locations, and giving specific information about individual products you may have seen during the commercial break for your favorite show.
Jimmy Reidhead says, "The popularity of the as seen on TV products and various services that you see during infomercials are only available for purchase for a generally short period of time, between parts of your TV show of choice. This blog will make a place for people to discuss and review these products, as well as learn tips for the ideal places to find the best prices on the growing collection of as seen on TV infomercial products."
This blog seeks to add to the publicity surrounding as seen on TV items and how to buy them. Users can then share their opinions so that the community can exchange opinions about these items.
\"In an on demand society, where everything is instant gratification, the As Seen on TV items has managed to somehow remain popular by the way of internet sales and enthusiast tips. Items such as the as seen on TV clever clasp will be under review and up for discussion. We will not just be throwing up links to the same old products, we will dig deeper and give you the low down on the quirks and drawbacks to some of the more popular products so that the buyer can have a more even playing field in this pop culture laden market."
According to Mr. Reidhead the Blog also stresses the importance of buyer beware mentality, \"We will not be blindly recommending a product simply because it was made known by an infomercial. We will also alert you to products of lower quality so that you can be aware of those products which may not be such a great bargain as the commercial made them out to be.\"
News about As Seen on TV items is growing these days. You just have to love these quirky and sometimes unbelievable infomercial products. Right now there are probably hundreds of commercials pitching these great tools for sale, but the average consumer might be waiting to see that commercial again, which may never come at a convenient time for them to order.
The As Seen on TV 365 Blog informs readers about the latest news on the veritable plethora of diverse products available for purchase, and where they can be bought.
Neekam company helps clients get the most out of their Internet domain names. Neekam\'s proprietary Blog Domain Name Riches system is a "soup-to-nuts" key to unlocking domain name investing riches. Press release distribution by PressReleasePoint(
Contact info:
Jimmy Reidhead Partner Neekam Inc 830 N 1st Ave. Phoenix, Az. 85003 602-254-6844
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Contact Details: Jimmy Reidhead Partner Neekam Inc 830 N 1st Ave. Phoenix, Az. 85003 602-254-6844
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